Soundtrack 2 My Life: 244

Monday, December 06, 2010

I bring them to the light for you
It's only right
This is the soundtrack to my life,
the soundtrack to my life

Today was as perfect as a Monday can be.

Got my braces off in the morning, had some McD's. The lady there saw my Hello Kitty Ears and my Hello Kitty sweater, and she got me a Hello Kitty watch. CC:

Brought Alec some Mickey D's and watched him and Josh be silly over it.

Aced the Spanish test. 100 on the WHAP test. Plans on Friday.

& I wasn't one of those people who got their braces off and was ignored to the winds. c: Everyone noticed and & it made me happy to share my happiness about being brace free.

Adventure Time Marathon 7-10PM and no homework.

Life is good.

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