For Fruits Basket: 14

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Let's stay together いつも

Omgah, lol. I did the whole English presentation last night, and I forgot the USB at home, and I didn't realize it until I got to school. Called Sabrina, her dad drove me to Randall's to get StarBucks on the way to Best Buy so we could meet my mom for a house key so I could actually enter my house to get the USB.

I got to school at like, 9:40AM. Took the Chinese Cinderella quiz during lunch, and missed it. I was freaking starving.

Finished my mask for the Capulet Ball. I fell asleep and mommy took a pictar of me LAWL.

100 on my Unit 5 Exam in Med Term, YUH. I'm so tireddd, but I needa take a showah. 

Teased Ms. Valencia during Biology. Schooled others in ninja during Biology. The old man who was our substitute was so hip. Haha. Spanish homework, omgah no comprende.

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