Jerk It Out: 18

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Wind me up
Put me down
Start me off and watch me go.


Woke up at 7AM, packed my stuff, and told Sabrina I couldn't get up to go to NORDSTROMs at 8AM, so she should just drop me off home. She replied that she couldn't get up, period. 

Stayed until about 11:30AM, donuts in my tummy. Went to Barton Creek, got lotsa free perfume stuffies for my mom. Bought some clothes at XXI like always. Bought the locket I dreamt about a couple of times. Can't stop wearing it.

Went back to Sabrina's, met Milo, her new puppy. He's so precious, I think he kinda liked me. Playing with him was fun, I got the cutest picture of Sabrina with him. Most of the pictures looked like she was getting assaulted by him, LUL. She made us some pasta, her huge mouth eating huge portions.

Played tetris, I sucked at the controller version. 

Went home, knocked out. Skin Disorder project tomorrow. Left my phone at Sabrina's. sdghjksghjksd Dying without it.

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