Down: 61

Monday, June 07, 2010

I’m fighting for this girl,
On the battlefield of love,
Don’t it look like baby cupid sending arrows from above,
Don’t you ever leave the side of me.

SUNDAY. Did nothing, slept in, took care of Jake. He ate garbage when I went to go get the phone, dumb thing. Playing Angela's InuYasha game is ridic. Texted/FaceBook IMed a whole lot. Like all day lot. Didn't do much else, slept in.

Ahhhh drama llama.

Walked to the pool with Zayna, we just talked. It wasn't that cool, we barely got to stay there. Then we walked to Walgreens, also kinda lame since she had a 6:30PM curfew. We basically ran there, and back. She spilled green tea all over my back AND stepped on the back of my foot/shoe.

Great Sunday.

Anyways, Lakers! Way to be, LA baby.

Slept early, big/boring/augh day tomorrow. Lil' Wayne's songs aren't good, but if he's ft. in a song, his verse is always the best part. Odd.

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