Makemagic: 67

Saturday, June 12, 2010

さぁ勇気を出して 希望を持って 過去を捨てて 未来祈って
手を取り合って 励まし合って 光りを思いのまま.


Uncle came over at 6:30AM to watch South Korea against Greece in the World Cup. 2 - 0, baby. It was amazing.

Since I was already totally awake from all the yelling and Korean fist pumping like champs, I decided to just stay awake and watch the Argentina/Nigeria game, 1 - 0. Slept, then woke up for the England/USA game. It was so intenseee, I was texting like 5 people during the game, about the game. Ahh Robert Green, I love you.

Finished tagging all my pictures on FaceBook after that, then played me some StepMania. Now, everytime I log onto FaceBook, I have like 40+ notifications from mein fotos. Ha.

Ahhh, my teeth are killing me. Something was on my roof during my shower, scared me so badly.

Had scary dreams, hope they won't haunt me.

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