Yeah: 71

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I left the Jag and I took the Rolls, if they ain't cutting then I put em on foot patrol.
How you like me now, when my pinky's valued over three hundred thousand.


Woke up early, did the ritual of World Cup.

Slept in some more, talked to Alec and showed him omgpop, after he made me watch Silent Library. It was actually pretty cool, wahaha. Played pool, dinglepop, and other stuff. It was greatttt. C: Chill day with my best friend, played with him alllllll day. Got him addicted. C:

Then, when he went to bed at his ungodly crazy early bedtime, made Angela play with me.

Jon wants me to make him a rap. ohno. ANTON ohno.

I got Angela addicted to pool, too. Sucked like 15k of coins out of her. Yeahyuh. Left at around 3:00AM. Godddd for someone who has to wake up before 6:00AM tomorrow, not smart!

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