Holiday: 155

Thursday, September 09, 2010

But if I wait for a holiday
Could it stop my fear?
To go away on a summer’s day
Never seemed so clear.


So I am swamped with homework. I kind of like it since I am a crazy person who enjoys adrenaline and being busy, but you know. Even the best hit their limits sooner or later. Hopefully I'll hit mine later.
Sooo much homework! All because I procrastinated that dumb Sister of My Heart stuff. jsfhsjkf that and WHAP in general. I hate taking notes so effing much.

Mother drove me to school, hung out with Katherine and walked around campus. The rain got all up the Bibi's grill, so she came later. \:

DIM; I am basically doing the whole project on my own, since someone thinks that because he types up his own personal story of how showing positive personal qualities was necessary at his job (because I suggested it, as he dumbfoundedly googled the most random shit ever), he feels accomplished enough to do nothing else. Not only that, but my substitute is a fucking dumbass who tries too hard to 'be cool.' And then dumb dummy girl feels that she should repeat everything she suggests (that has nothing to do with our project at all). Basically, she doesn't do anything. All she does is stare at me. I mean, what the fuckkk. WOO, DOING PROJECTS ALL BY YOURSELF BECAUSE EVERYONE ELSE IS A DUMBASS.

God, I am so bitter.

Then there was an unprecedented lockdown drill, which was weird.

Mathalath, Joshua and his pearly whites. They sparkle so. PIB PreCal review, WOOOOJFKSDFJ finished 3/5 of it, woo. Homework. Can't wait. Johnny says the most unnecessary things ever. What a blindy.

LunchBrunchHunch. Didn't eat. Daniel always gets shit all over his pants, clothes, sleeves, and today, ass. Poor boyyy. Katherine and her yummysmelliness. Her and Daniel's babies would be the best smelling babies, ever.

English, we took our LOP essay test after we took some notes. I was kinda screwed, as I read only the first third of the book, then the last quarter of the book this year. Soooo yeah the short questions? 70% I'll miss them for being accurate. I'm relatively certain I nailed the long response, though. Booya. I took all class period, and my hand was extremely cramped by the end of the class period. Sucks, I have to do the Frederick Douglass questions for homework, BALLS. MOAR MOAR MOAR HOMEWORK.

Chemistry. Took another quiz, I'm retaking two of them. Alec is so weird before football games. Bibi and her threats, ahaha. We got some new students in our class- Bibi was braiding my hairrr. It feels nice having your hair braided. Spent most of class going over the quiz. Both Mr. Strickland and Mr. Thomas are pretty cool, and they both kinda sorta suck at time management. Not like, planning the schedule, or following curriculum. Moreso just like, applying these skills during class. I got a half of an empty twinkie that I shared with Bibiana and Joshua. I think he finally forgives me for not providing him with a fish pen.

After school, stayed to retake the quizzes. I actually had my stuff ready, but other dumb people kept being dumb and asking dumb questions. Similar to the girl in my IB class. Got a 100 on one of the requizzes, the other one I ended up scoring LOWER LAWLLL. But my average is decent, I'm 2nd in the class by a small number of decimal places. Whatever. "I'll destroy her." "That's the spirit!" Ahaha, Mr. Strickland.

Debate practice, Tyler was teaching the NOVII. Haha, it was entertaining. Talked to Mr. Colling during this time, since no one basically came to practice. Can't go to GHill because Mr. Colling advocates for fairness. As well as keeping the peace (and his ears/head).

WalMart, got me a Cisco wireless router. Set it up easy peasy, WOO WIRELESSS. Apparently, this router is supposed to suck, but I haven't had any problems with it so far. So far, so good.

WHAP homework upstairs, after we overcooked 3 pizzas and shared them.
Katherine called for help, blah. Finished the dumb questions with 5 pages. Yay, handwritten shit. NAT.

My hands will be destroyed by this time tomorrow.

Dinner with the Parks tomorrow, I hope I'll have enough time to finish my homework.

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