Makes Me Wonder: 153

Monday, September 06, 2010

Give me something to believe in
'Cause I don't believe in you anymore, anymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference to try
Yeah, so this is goodbye

Woke up at 6:30AM to the shittiest dream this week. Then I realized I lost my left ear cuff, and I flipped shit looking for it. Texting people at 6AM, LOL.

I found it 20 minutes later. Reread the WHAP sections that I read last night. Breakfast, then LAPTOPSHOPPING!

Went to Office Depot, they only had two mini's- HP, and Acer. Acer is a no-no, and I heard HP's are like Apple products in that they tend to break right after the warranty is gone. Hrmmm.

Best Buy, bought a 10.1" Toshiba. It's precious, and I loved it. Thanked douche!dad for it. Therefore, he becomes king of the universe. Whatthehell.

Target, got the hairband. There was only ones in Brunette. Oh well.

Picked up Diana's WHAP study guide, wooo.

We went to Red Lobster after that, I had Shrimp Scampi for the first time. Yum. Snow crab, salad and pastalasta. I got the typical, DO ME PROWWD, speech. Like he's allowed to be proud of anything that I do.

Home, was hoping that Grace could give me her WiFi code, so I could just mooch off of her WiFi. Her husband got all technical, so instead we had to try to attach a wireless router to my modem, which failed. Every. Single. Time.

It was a frustrating waste of like, a good couple of hours.

It's all the router.

Whatever, hooked my laptop up separately, then /cough got a copy of Windows 7 ULTIMATE.

Hells yeah.

Decided to be a reliable friend, a blunt friend, a loving friend, and a best friend all in the same night.

No sleep for me.

WHAP comes into bed with me.

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