Blame It On The Rain: 163

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Does she Get the Same big rush
When you go in for a hug and your cheeks brush
Tell me am I crazy, am I crazy

Got to school to ask about math homework, but once I got there, some random fire alarm went off. Yeah. It was kinda weird. But then I went to Mr. Lopez's room, only to find that he didn't have morning tutorials. He even had a sign posted on his door. Balllls.

Annie Phan and her boyfriend, Bryant, are the cutest things, ever.

Digital interactive media, I'm basically going to murder Ms. Schneider. Chilled with my favorite freshman.

PreCalculus, so lonelyyy. Worked on math homework, woooo. PP - Personal problems. No one understood number 11, oman.

Lunch was crowdeddd. A day lunch is way better than B day lunch, though. A lunch means doing homework. Of Mice and Men dialectics, safsaf.

English, my Life of Pi test grade sucked, screw my life.

Chemistry, I had the strangest substitute ever sub my class. He made it so incredibly awkward, oh man. Skittle lab, it wasn't that bad. Finished all my homework during class.

Debate after school, I judged a novice round. It was okay. I've never judged a novice round before.

Home, shitty, home.

Skyped with Annie over the WHAP chart. Easy peasy, didn't take as long as the River Valley Civilizations did.

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