I Do Not Hook Up: 201

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Oh, no I do not hook up, up I go slow
So if you want me, I don't come cheap.
Keep your hand in my hand,
And your heart on your sleeve.

Sunday, jkawhdfkjas I slept through my alarm clock, I woke up at 10:30AM. Got readyyy, Fresch was taking me to Josh's house. He got me at 12:15PM, then we went to Walmart to get carrots and cookies, but the boobies wouldn't pick up their phones. It was driving me and Fresch crazy. Plus, we were holding up the traffic in the vegetable section. So, I totally brought the wrong wallet with me, so I didn't have money for the vegetables, OR cookies, OR the gas money. I felt like a doucher. Like I did last night.

Josh's house, "Thanks GPS!" Josh's house, HOLY COW, his little brother Austin looks just like Katherine's little brother JOSH. Weird. & They're both in 8th grade! Only they go to different middle schools.
We were waiting for like, 20 minutes for Alec to drive his ancient truck over, the red one. "His love."

We were all totally distracted by FOOTBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALL, but then we got down to business. It was totally obvious that Joshiepoo and Alec were reading off of their script. And Austin wasn't the best camera guy, either. It was very disappoint. I am also really bad at acting, and thus, WAS AWFUL. But it was okay, because we were all awful. Bahahah, Josh's mother got Fresch a pink wig. It was the bestest.

We had to keep taking breaks because the battery kept dying, but you know. Finished, ate burgers. Josh wouldn't hop off, and kept calling me fat because I ate so many cookies. COOOOOKIESS.

The burgers were so mmm, mmm goood. Then we went upstairs to watch the clips on the big tv. It was worse watching ourselves. I looked like a major chink. Annie is great. Then we watched them play some sword fighting game where they swing their arms around randomly with the ps3. It was funny bunny.

Then after awhile, Fresch had to go home, but I TOTALLY LEFT MY HOUSE KEY AT HOME. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. So for another long while, we just sat there doing nothing, while I was texting people to find a place to stay, that wasn't the opposite direction from Fresch's house, so I went to ANNIE PHANNIE MY DAUGHTER'S HOUSE. Heeheehehehehehehheehehehhehehehehehhehehehehehehhehee.

I watched her be frustrated as she worked on her spanish project that was way more well done than the one we made. Her computer was mega slow, it was driving me crazy just by watching her frustration unfold.

Chewy cookies and seizures. HURRHURRDERPDERPA. I like her house but her bird scares me sometimes. "Why does my bird scare you? Why are you putting that quote right here, as I'm saying it?" She's cute.

I also made a rough outline of her life in terms of marriage. HAHAHAHAHA IT'S THE PERFECT BALANCE.

Home, bed.

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