Pretty Girl Swag: 177

Saturday, October 02, 2010

This, right here, is my, swag.
All the boys, all on me, damn.

Thursdayyyyyyyyyyyy IS SHIRTS DAY. Not some stupid, Throwback retro Thursday.

A day:
Evers. Wooo chillin' waiting for dem textbooks. Did nothing, jammed with Austin.

Math, got grades back. (: I am muy proud of myself. asfhsajk Binomial expansion SUCKS. I hate itttttt so tedious. It makes me feel really stupid, because then I start messing up on the simple math. Goshdangit, what is this I don't even.

Lunch, chilling, like always.

English, Malcolm X forums. Ewwwwww. All class. EWWWWWWWW. I wonder if I finished. Hrrrrm.

Chemistry. We took a test. It sucked. Bahaha, Alec and me = test buddies. For Math, Spanish, & Chemistry, every class we have together.

Stayed after school for a bit, ate a lot of Skittles with Mr. Strickland as I forced him to grade my requiz, and watch my report card grade not change. It took a good 30-45 minutes.

Home, then Morgan's. I arrived at the same time as Hannah, and we picked up Claire, then headed off to Michael's. We looked at mum stuff, shirt stuff, ribbon stuff, paint stuff. We couldn't find a Stony Point color that looked good, as well as had a size for each of us. There were loads of people there getting stuff for mums, haha.

In the end, we went to Wal-Mart, and bought a pack of white V-necks, fabric, and sequins. It was super fun. "When I need your opinion, daughter, I'll let you know. Also, no boys." Bahaha, mother. (:

Back to Morgan'ssss, making shirts was so legit. I worked on mostly the stencils for the letters with Hannah, and everyone else worked on cutting out the letters in the fabric, except for Morgan. I love her, and her fail at craftssss. (;

Momma had to leaveeeeeeee, ): lotsa advice, tableround. Omgrawr pizza yays. Finished the shirts! Then we accidentally messed Morgan's up, ahahah, it was cute though when it was fixed. We put a heart over it. They were so legitttttttttttttttttttttt, the shirts looked so good.

Cochran Crew! C:

Home late, I was the last one to go home, goodnight.

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