Stay Young: 195

Monday, October 18, 2010

Let’s light the kerosene tonight
Spark up like fireworks
Exploding in the sky
Kick down the new year and the future

Monday, start of the week. My eternal kryptonite. I overslept, AGAIN. I wake up later and later. 7:55AM. It's a new record. Skipped breakfast. Went to the HOSA meeting this morning.


Class, I slept during 5th period, as always. Spanish, we went to the library. "Collaborated" with Evan Duncan. We talked a lottttt, and got basically nothing done, ahahaha.

Lunch, I stayed in the library so that I could work on my WHAP notes for chapter 9. Doneeeeee, time for Philosophy. More morality vs. ethics. Can I get out of this class, now? Boringgggggg. JK. Nathan was completely useless, but it was okay, since it turned out that I didn't do anything in WHAP except for a Scripted Chart. Anyways, the only thing we did during 7th period was discuss moral dilemmas in groups.

WHAP, we went over chapter 9. I slept during class, Mr. Thomas forgave me though, since I always have 'excellent' notes. (: He's a supahcool teacher.

After school, Holt walked me to the Lecture hall, for the Health Science Academy meeting. Fun stuff. We had a speaker, and all different types of cookies and lemonade. We have a lot of volunteer stuff going on. October 29th, and November 23rd. Getting back on ittttt.

Home, Pretty Little Liars, Desperate Housewives, and FFTA. c:

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