Two Is Better Than One: 97

Monday, July 12, 2010

And maybe two is better than one
But there's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life.

Monday, we changed the plans. We decided to go to Korea Town together, instead of leaving the apartment at separate times. Left at 11:30AM, our unlimited week-long metro cards expired last night, so we had to actually use pay per ride cards.

K-Town was a lot smaller than China Town, holy cow. But it was cuter, more expensive, and not as smelly. Although it basically had no places to just shop for clothing, etc. There was one cute Korean store, but everything there was ridiculously overpriced. Oh these Koreans, all they want is money.

Ate lunch at KumGangSan. It is so weird reading and typing Korean stuff in English text, I have to say it outloud to understand what it means. I got the Kalbi box, it was actually pretty good. I was homesick for the first time since the trip. At least it's coming at the end of my trip, haha HOME TOMORROW! I'm going to miss the subways that smell like piss and garbage. I was pretty full by the end, holy cow. Mimi got bitten like, 5 times by one very full mosquito. Diana and Mimi left early to go to Parsons, because the service was terrible, and ridiculously slow.

Auntie and I walked around for a bit, and walked around the Empire State Building. I got some good shots of it, I think. Walked inside, it looks like a very fancy hotel with many escalators. I asked the doorman how many floors there were. He gave me a wink and an answer of 102 floors.

Left, and started the trek from 32nd & Broadway, to 42nd & Broadway. 10 blocks. Not bad for a New Yorker. Serious workout for me, in the cute/uncomfortably big flats, of whom also had all the exhaustion from the past week and a half finally catch up to my feet.

I made it though, a little worse for wear. Holy cow, it was so BUSY! There was so much taxi honking, serious business people walking by, and hurrying in general. It was beautifully modern and technologically enhanced. There were huge screens, that looped series of movie promos, and soft drink advertisements in very exciting ways. Or maybe this Asian hick is just so foreign to this stuff, that she didn't realize. I took a bazillion pictures, but among the hubbub and constant movement, I didn't have time to get a picture of the NYPD blinking headquarters, or have Auntie take a picture of me in Times Square. It was super special awesome though, I saw the place that they record GMA in, and the shot they always show of the huge screen, and the reserved street space for various minishows on GMA that they have for our viewing pleasure.

My momma will be excited to see the pictures. c: Home tomorrow... I've already written that, but it's so much more closer now than it was then... Like an hour closer, hooray for multitasking!

After Times Square, we went to the huge Metro station there, that was like an underground maze. We were heading to 18th, but the express took us to 14th instead, so we had to walk some more. I didn't mind though.

Hannah was totes right, when you look directly up, it looks like the buildings are falling on you, they're so big. We walked to Bed, Bath and Beyond to return the freezer rack that didn't fit into the freezer, ha. Auntie finally said it correctly! Now, my mom's next. Well, I got my mother to say, 'Academy' correctly, so this should work eventually.

After that, we went to Urban Outfitters, because we still had time, since the Parsons Infosession/tour was supposed to be from 2:00PM to 4:00PM, but they finished early at around 3:30PM, so they met us at Urban Outfitters.

I saved a lot on a silk dress. c: And I got some cute heels at Payless on the way to Urban Outfitters. Back to Mimi's apartment. Walked down the subway for the last time, down 7th Avenue for the last time. Walked to American Apparel, but didn't get anything.

I walked into Mimi's apartment for the last time. I'm going to miss this place a lot. Ate some omnomnomlicious Quinoa Salad, and finished off the Olive Oil Gelato, yummy.

I finished packing everything except for the necessities for tomorrow morning, I'm excited. Diana gets the window seat on the way back, since I got it on the way there. I'm wearing the FOREVER21 dress tomorrow, I can't wait to see my mommyyyy. c:

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