Endless Summer: 86

Thursday, July 01, 2010

We'll grab a ray of light
'Cause now you're mine
This is our time.

Thursdays are Scott & White days. Soul Calibur from yesterday.

Couldn't sleep last night, it was freaking 2835723894 degrees. I kept moving into different positions, and woke up with the worse leg cramps ever. My stomach has been killing me the past couple of days, it was at it's peak of pain. I overslept, mother granted me the courtesy of waking me up at the DEPARTURE time. =___________= Got ready in about 5 minutes that felt like seconds, in lotsa pain.

Got to the hospital about 3 minutes late, but it was all good. It hurt a lot until around 10:00AM or so; started feeling better. Talked a lot; feeling more comfortable with old people with emphysema who started smoking in the 8th grade.

Went to DI early; slow day is a boring day. Matt was out, hung out with Jenna and WHODAT. Dat went to go stand for a couple hours in surg cos he HATES me. C; And sent me to CT. Hung out there with Cris and that really nice chick. Fast paced, really fun. There was this one guy who kept moaning like a woman. A little over 17, I think.

It got slow, and I took a nap for 45 minutes. Dat the butthole woke me up like a butt. Listened to Louie and Cris and Doug talk about motorcycles, cars, and parts for a good half hour, then hustled. Home, I'm sore and exhausted.

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