Handlebars: 114

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I can show you how to do-si-do
I can show you how to scratch a record
I can take apart the remote control
And I can almost put it back together

5:30AM. Hospital. Talked with Belinda, got next week covered, and my school schedule. Since school starts on Tuesday, the 24th, I'll start working from 5PM-9PM on Mondays, starting on the 23rd. Wooo. Diagnostics, fun, fun.

Dat is mean whenever I'm there, not cool. Matt's phone was mega lame. I suck at TapTap3.

After the hospital, on the road for sponsors. Gatti-land had a separate legal/financial department, and we drove over there, but there was no one in the office. Lame.

Payless; called Corporate. They don't do school sponsorships.

Austin Sports Arena; Tim was out of town, but I talked to the General Manager later on the phone, and he said that he supports it, all we need is confirmation from Tim once he returns.

Called Bush's Chicken, got sponsors. Major franchises are more out of the question in terms of sponsorships, as the major corporate companies support and donate to only specific, national (already established) associations.

Local places is where it's at. I called a lot of other companies; I won't post their names unless I've confirmed a no/yes from them.

Worked on some Life of Pi at Diagnostics. Painting more of my baggerzz.

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