If It's Love: 147

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

If it's love
And we're two birds of a feather
Then the rest is just whenever

B Day. I actually handed the news pretty well at school, much better than I thought I would.

5th period, I was pretty crabby. Showed off my lab jacket, and played Jeopardy. It was really stupid. Ms. Hart is silly.

6th period, Spanish. It was fun. Sherades and reflexive verbs, wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at least we had no homework. I was a rockstarrrr.

Lunch, had to sit on Kiki while getting prepped out for the WHAP quiz to my hero, Nathan.

7th period, Philosophy. I was pretty douchey, argued against everything those fish put on the board, until I got tired.

8th period, I hate that I have this period last, I'm always so tired... My notes were shitty. 10 minutes essays are poop. Quiz, I think I did decent.

I'm swamped with stuff from yesterday and today, eff.
Holt is helping me with my math, wooo for smart friends.

Mad World: 146

Monday, August 30, 2010

And I find it kinda funny
I find it kinda sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had.

Walked with Kate to the Ms. Vargas', but she wasn't there. That was balls, but I still dropped off my workbook.

Mr. White's, I printed out my poetry assignment, and my fixed Spanish vocabulary list, woohoo. Note to DIM so I wasn't late. Assigned seats from last name. Name game twice today, 'Little Laura', awwwwwwwwyeah. Worked on Unique Me, or whatever the project was. I was drawing. It was cute, given I haven't drawn anything since January.

Ran to get the correct PreCal textbook before PreCalculus. Mr. Lopez wasn't there, so we had a substitute. It was awful, we had no idea what the fuck we were doing. The substitute didn't know what was for Pre-IB and what was for Pre-AP. It was basically a mess.

Lunch, I was tutoring Bibi and Katherine. Daniel did his work, YAY! Him and his legitimately clean brownies. If only I liked chocolate more. Kiki! Sweetheart.

English, I was a rockstar. Ha, Daniel reads his answers like a debater. I love him so much, hahaha. We got coffee, but it was nasty and disgustingly bitter, so I added more creamer. "90% creamer?" Whatever, that shizz was delicious. I also won candy at the end of class, WOO.

Chemistry, I was allowed to move. Now I sit in front of Bibi. Wooo. Quiz over MSDS. Ben was on it, Material Safety Data Sheet. Scientific Calculations and Dimensional Analysis. I'm just too legit to quit.

Mr. Colling's shitty laptop never works. Pisses me off to no end, irrationally. Probably because this has happened before, despite me being inside that actual campus. Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

Didn't go to the hospital today.

WHAP notes, PreCalculus homework, English short story, "Pie," and finishing the Dimensional Analysis homework with reading to do.

Fuck, my dad is coming.

Rockstar 101: 145

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Rocking this club
Got my middle finger up
I don't really give a fuck


Don't want to talk about it.

Diplomat's Son: 144

Saturday, August 28, 2010

I know, you'll say
I'm not doing it right
But this is how I want it.

Saturday, woke up at 1:30PM. Text/Skype/FaceBook are pretty distracting.

Spanish pages, done.

The Sun Goes Down on Summer, done.

Density prelab, done.

Baby drama, awwwwsnap.

"You like Hello Kitty and girly shit like that, right." Hahaha, best thing ever? I think yes! Tyler, Miru and TayZ were rockstars at Northland.

Everything Goes Dark: 143

Friday, August 27, 2010

It's creeping up on you'
It knows your name,
All that you left behind

So like, Sabrina is at my house today because she hurt her foot, and I look NAST.

Like, enough to go to the ER. Yeah.


Well, she had spicy pork at my housee, yum. I think it made her feel better. c: I gave her all her stuff, she was happy, heehee. c:


Principles, I have homework to draw a lab coat with my hobbies, YAY. I want someone I actually like talking to in that class, please.

Spanish, my favorite class ever. Alec, Josh, and drum master, haha. The partner activity was funsauce. Evan is so mean to his best friend, Joe. The Hollister shirt, haha. "102... " It's 1 and 2! Dumb fish Meister. Almost got me looking like a fool.

Lunch, I went to go switch my PreAP PreCalculus textbook for the 2nd edition PreIB PreCal book. The lady was incompetent, therefore got lost, and gave me the wrong book. Which I didn't find out until 4th period. Aughhh.

Couldn't find Bibi and Kate after the cafeteria was full, so I ate with Joe and Alexis. c:

Philosophy, aughhhhhhh freshmen drive me so much more nuts than they should. The class is extremely easy. Like a mental warm up. What is the difference between knowing and believing? God. I think Mr. Duncan realizes my frustrations. I hope he doesn't hate me.

WHAP, went over the packet, felt like Philosophy all over again. Incredibly sleepy, geez. Homework, wooo.

Home, webcammed with Angelaa, she's winning the final poll. c: She wouldn't sing though. o ^ o

Chatting it uppp, so unproductive. c: Weekend, AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWYEAH.

Booty Bounce: 142

Where the hell am I gonna catch a man like that
Put his number in my hand like that
Ripped it up like I didn't give a fuck
And I didn't give him a chance like that

3rd day of school, woah. I forgot to do this, so it's Friday and now I'm going to do it.

Digital Interactive Media, talked to Nickkk. Got forms. Drew a tshirt. That was all, so blah.
But I got my schedule change! Hell to the fuck to the yeah! I got my second and fourth periods switched, 2nd period PreIB PreCalculus with Mr. Lopez, and 4th period PreAP Chemistry with Mr. Stricklanddd, I hear he is totes chill.

Second period, PreCAL! It was pretty legit, I forgot how to do basic algebra, LOLOOOOL I am a dummy. ;A; But I am loving my class, I have Alec, Josh, Chaaru, Joe, Matt, Henry and other people who seem cool but not awkwardly nerdy, too. c: I am excite. I finally gave Alec his fish pen, but Josh was mad I didn't get him anything. >: I'M SORRY JOSH.

Lunch, peepeepoopoo. Jay kay, hurrhurr derpderp. I don't really remember much except that Daniel is a bum who doesn't buy his food, LOL. He eats his food in the line then leaves. What a bum. He walked me to English, because I forgot where it was. ;A;

English, cringelish. We had to read an introduction to 50 Essays, it literally took me like, 3 minutes, while it took the rest of the class 20 minutes. At least I got a nap. Poetry homeworkkk, awwwyeah.

Chemistry with Bibi, Alec and Josh! Exciting excitinggg. We did a lab thingy, it was fun sauce, we were all being crazy hahah. "Slow down, you're going to fast..." In the end, everyone except for Alec was 'going too fast', haha. And Josh still doesn't forgive me for not getting him a fish pen from NY. ;A;

After school, played for Mrs. Lotspeich. Home, apparently Sabrina's dad swung by and dropped off stuffies for my momma. We got Pâté, and bought some French bread out of excitement. Then we realized it was meat, LOL. Weird. But then I basically ate all the bread. Hey man, carbs equal energy. So I thought.

I promptly fell asleep at 6PM after that, and woke up at 9PM to do my homework. Good thing I did the WHAP homework the day before.

Geometry & C.: 141

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

This is geometry, this is the life of you and I
How we fall for a second together and down we're singing

Mom found a hugeass pepper. This is extremely relevant. Second day of school. B day was better than A day.

Gave Mr. Colling his laptop back. He wasn't there. God damn. So I gave it to the teacher next door.

Principles of Health Science, aughhhhh there are freshmen here. Blows my freaking mind that they aren't in Introduction to HST and Medical Terminology. If they get to just skip, I would've been so damn pissed. But thank god, I just have to deal with them this year, next year they'll be taking Medical Terminology, which will hopefully be a year long class instead. Yeah, I won me some gum during the bingo. It was so easy, just plan out the bingo...

Spanish waaaaaaaaay out in the portables, it's the only class I have with Alec and Josh! It was hecka fun, I don't get what everyone said about Mrs. Vargas last year. She's totally legit. They were probably just bitter because they were too dumb to do well in her class. She spoke only Spanish all day. Oh boy. The class is small, but I don't care. We played ¡Fresca! all class, I was really bad. Me and Alec lost, despite teaming up. Austin still beat us, and La boca grande was just being a cheater. This class will be awesome possum.

Lunch A again, with Katherine, Bibi, Annie, Heidi and the NUHGOOYEN. C:

Philosophy, another class with dumb snot nosed freshmen. Annoying as heck, asking what IB is? Seriously? God. The class seems extremely intriguing, though. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who knew what 'criterion' meant in that classroom of 3x people. Looking forward to the discussion aspect, not the group stuffies, though.

WHAP. Mr. Thomas, the one teacher everyone loves. Class was full of different people from different cliques, blah. If I sit with someone, I would be unable to sit with another person, and it's just like blah. Fun stuff, the squares. I was so tired from Philosophy, though. I almost dozed off. Blarhg.

Had to go meet with Ms. Lotspeich and get forms, I'm coming in tomorrow after school to play for her. Hahahaha. Couldn't go to debate practice because of this, but on the bright side, practice is only on Tuesdays, sweetness.

Bought binders, then went home. Skyped with Alec, that bum. Skyped with Romi, askfajasfhlas Cedar Ridge.

Tired tired tired tired tired. Bed before 11, please.

Across The Universe: 140

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

They slip away across the universe
Pools of sorrow waves of joy
Are drifting thorough my open mind
Possessing and caressing me

First day of school,
dress and pink cardigan. Dollface.

Waiting for the bus, at least it comes at 8:30AM now, which gives me more time to get ready. The coming rain made the ants go apeshit, and I got bitten twice. Kayla and Hannah got bitten more than me, even Bibi got bitten at her bus stop!

Digital Media was lame, I didn't know anyone there, and I was the only sophomore. But it really seemed like no one really knew anyone else. So, there's that. The substitute was just like, okay, just listen to your iPod and chill. So I did. I tried to sleep a couple times, but it was hard, since it would strangely get exponentially colder when I tried to sleep.

Chemistry, Ryan, Daniel, Nathan and a lot of bands people from my biology class last year, whoo. Ha, Ryan got drenched by the shower, since we had to catch the water in a bucket [empty trashcan without the trashbag], since the drains were leaking to the 1st floor. Hilarious.

A lunch with Bibi, Katherine, and Annie. It was kinda weirdish. God, the cafeteria is freaking crazy.

English, thank god Mr. White is competent. I was totally coming off as a pretentious smartie, HARRRR. I had that class with Bibi, Katherine, Kyle, Daniel, and Nathan, too. I have like, 4 classes with Nathan, ha. Katherine was creeping on Mr. White's kids, haha it was cute. He also has the best candy, ever. Actually turned in Life of Pi homework on the first day! I was impressed.

PreCal was legit. Full of a lot of people, really nerdy. Mr. Lopez, the MIT alum. I am so jealous, haha. Partnered with Clint for the math problems, I kept getting almost crushed by people when I was trying to see the math problems. ;A;

Debate practice, Mirusha's round against Tyler.
Something about Mr. Colling's mushroomy figure and voice makes me sleepy, LOLOOL. I was listening to what he was saying, but I had to snooze when he repeats himself about deterrents and pre fiats.

Homeee. Lots to do tomorrow.

Turtle Fence: 139

Monday, August 23, 2010

A turtle fence is exactly what you think it is.
A turtle fence keeps turtles from being hit by cars.
Those turtles that were climbing turtles couldn't climb over the turtle fence!
(Why?) It was turtle-proof! (How?) It was three feet high!

So like Monday right before school starts, oh snaps. All 10 analysis DONE. SHABAM. Heehee. c:

I look shitty, y/y?

I totally did it all today. LOLOLOL.

Getting people to vote for Angela's pictar, #45. LEGIT.

Orthodontist at 3PM, just redoing bands. Took no time at all. STONY POINT COLORS, REPPIN'.

Diana's to get nengmyun. Yummy.

Hospital to volunteeeeeeeeeeer wiff Tina. Got it togetherrrr, hee.

Folder, ice cream, and Adventure Time.

This is my life. I would have shitty skin the night before school. Fuckkkk.


Meet Me On The Equinox: 128

Sunday, August 22, 2010

As we walk in the dimming light
Or darling understand
That everything, everything ends
That everything, everything ends

Overslept, Adventure Time, Life of Pi.

Left during the Life of Pi marathon, to the Outlets with Dianar.

Bought a cute pink cardigan at Charlotte Russe, and a top at Pacsun, haven't shopped there in a while.

It was super crowded, LAMEEE. Busy, busy tomorrow.

Asian Too. So they didn't have water.
Church's Chicken didn't have water.

So I bought Tazo Passion Tea Lemonade, yum.

La Madeleine, haha Diana bought cakes, I stole sugar.

Need to check out Lakeline's SanRio. LIKE NOW. Cracker eraser. c:

Have a picture of the ultimate New York Bird Killer.


Kids: 137

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Control yourself
Take only what you need from it
A family of trees wanted
To be haunted

Pandora, Seventeen. I can't do anything but sleep, shit.

Slept 15 hours.


Kids - MGMT. Finally found the title, haha. Irrationally upset that I couldn't find an mp3 of Baby - The District [SF].

Ironically, I saw my uncle in the early AM, with his bedhair. It's better than his usual hair.

Cut my hair. But I didn't take any pictures of it, hrm. I'm going to cut it again. Have an old picture.

Folding Chair: 136

Friday, August 20, 2010

Come and open up your folding chair next to me
My feet are buried in the sand and there’s a breeze
There’s a shadow, you can’t see my eyes
And the sea is just a wetter version of the skies

Breakfast is cookies.

Adventure Time, Seventeen, Sister of My Heart, Life of Pi, Paprika, Jersey Shore.

And Red Cross.

Extremely tired for no adequate reason. Probably just imagining everything. Working Sister of My Heart tomorrow, so I can't go to Katherine's and help her paint. Poo.

"Because the lights came on."

I wish there was a magic potion that could cure my constant exhaustion.


Empty Streets: 135

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The city feels clean this time of night
Just empty streets and me walking home
To clear my head

Woke up at 5:30AM, hospital.

Last time I'll work this shift, I'm so awkward at goodbyes.

Turtle for Auntie, it's small but adorable. Woo gift shops.

Last day in Diagnostics, it was Do's birthday, so everyone brought food and treats. Fun fun. The cake was too good, so was the eggplant lasagna. Oddly enough, haha. They gave me cookies to take home. Dat missed most of the party, he was in OR.

Watched another Picc.

Unpacking paper with Matt, at least I didn't hit my funny bone.

Gene has a sense of music, unlike Matt.

Played on Matt's iPhone, Dat's weird T-Mobile equivalent of an iPhone, and Jenna's iPhone.

Meeting, wasn't able to say bye. I was already half an hour late.

Packing was just another waste of time.

Could've made plans this weekend instead of being stuck at home for the weekend before school.


Like A Pimp: 134

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

This is the song
Tell the DJ put it on
Micheal Tyler made you shake

Wednesday, I woke up at 7:30AM. Pff, I hit the 5 minute snooze button so many times, that I ended up actually wrenching myself from bed at around 9:15AM.

I certainly have a strong will.

Lunch became breakfast. Last ramen. Desperate Housewives and Life of Pi.

All I can do and will do is sleep. Ribbbbbbbbbbs. Yum.

Ice cream. Maybe I'm sick.

Fever: 133

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

There he goes
My baby walks so slow
Sexual tic-tac-toe

Woke up at 2:00PM. SHITTT I was supposed to get up earlier. lulzingyourfandom, darn you.
INCEPTION with momma, she's insistent on bonding time. Aigghhhttt.

The jacket (:

So, INCEPTION wasn't a complete mindfuck, but it was pretty fucking interesting. Joseph Gordon-Levitt has the sexiest method to ask for a kiss, ever. It was so adorable. DiCAPRIO, AWWWW. Haha, Arthur and Eames' bickering. How precious.

Bought Pringles, downed them in 5 minutes. Now I feel gross. My stomach will probably feel gross later, too. Oh boy. Bedtime, it's almost 11.

Icecream, woo.

Rock That Body: 132

Monday, August 16, 2010

You can be the model type
Skinny with no appitite
Short, stack, black or white

Monday, I woke up early today. 8:30AM. Hellyuh.

Working out, then breakfast. Damn, I need to learn how to cook... How to cook... SUSHI! (;
Just kidding. I made some blueberry pancakes for breakfast. Accomplished? Yes! Blueberry Pancakes with Butter Pecan Syrup, YUM. And as always, TOO MUCH BUTTER.

Violin, with Drake and DeGrassi playing in the background. Caught up, finally.

Forrest Gump! And then webcammin' with Annie McPhannie. Helped her pick out a sexilicious outfit for TENNIS TRYOUTS where she will DOMINATE.

My mother needs to watch what she wears around the house now, thanks to my webcam.
So do it, LOL.

Cedar Ridge Ribbon Cutting, I went even though I'm not going LOL. I was getting a ride from Romi when the most traumatizing event in my entire summer of 2010 occured.

While waiting for Romi to pick me up at the corner, a random border collie runs without any discernible pattern around the crossroad, and my mom and I just watch it. My mom is shrieking, right. And like, asking every passerby car if it is their dog.

After failing to calm her down, I passively watched my mother run back home, in that awkward way that she does.

The dog just paces back and forth around me, while I try to coax it into going home. Mother returns armed with a car, and yells at me to wait for Romi within the protection of the car, army wife style.

I'm getting a little nervous, now that Romi is a little late, and I call Jordan for Romi's father's number, when the rambunctious dog gets slammed by a large, pearl blue van in the middle of the intersection.

So, I screamed.
Really loudly.

Yeah. The dog was now bleeding, and after sliding 30 feet across the pavement, it limped over to our car, while the woman responsible for the bloodshed quickly drove off after confirming that my mother and I were not the owners for the dog. I hope karma hurts her something fierce.

The dog was now leaning against our car, situated halfway behind the tire adjacent to the passenger's seat, making it impossible to move the car without injuring the dog.

Romi and her father then arrived, and with her magical dad coaxing the dog onto the sidewalk, I called Animal Emergency services after many call forwards to pick up the poor creature.

My mother then drove home, quite traumatized, and I reluctantly left to the Ribbon Cutting with Romi, to which we were already past the label of 'fashionably late'.

Aside from the trauma, it was a great night. Saw Schroeder, Mrs. Holmes, Ms. Ramos, Ms. Perrin, and lotsa buds. I didn't see Mrs. McLinden! But it's all good. Took crappy pictures, watched awkwardness unfold, and had a fun time.

I'm honestly not jealous about the school layout, I thought it'd be more impressive. The only things I'm somewhat envious of, are the separate buildings with the somewhatlulz of a garden/courtyard, and that so many of the walls are glass. I love glass walls.

Home, Jordan and her saintly mother took me home. WAshyf345IUEIGTNkdgjkeh


The Resistance: 131

Sunday, August 15, 2010

I’m busy living the moment not taking pictures to save it
I mean how could I forget
My memories never faded I can’t relate to these haters
My enemies never made it

Sunday, I woke up at like, 2:30PM? I don't know how I'll wake up early for school. Who knew having deep conversations with like, 4 people could be so exhausting. But it was totes all good.

Fucking tired. Total Drama World Shitfest is on.

I am so crazy hungry right now, like you don't even know. Fuck, I should be working.

'Resolved: States ought not possess nuclear weapons.'

Pfah, TyMan already has like 29134893 cases. Eff. I should be WORKING. FUCK I'M SO TIRED FUCK FUCK FUCK.

I am so exhausted THAT I FELL ASLEEP WHILE I WAS TYPING THIS, LOL. :L Old dooodles, ehehehe. c: Going to bed early tonight, right after dinner. 10PM.



Dear Maria, Count Me In: 130

Saturday, August 14, 2010

'Cause you know it's what you're good at
The low road for the fast track
Make every second last

Shabam, Saturday. I was going to wake up early and get ready for Angela and Mers, but I slept through my alarm clock for the 2352903th time this week. It's a problem.

They were supposed to come over at noon, but I woke up at 12:30PM. LOL. WAY TO BE, LAURA CHANG. Took the fastest shower in the history of Laura Chang's showers, since I skipped conditioning.

Got ready, YAYAYY I have finally met Mers! They came over at about 1PM. They brought SMORES. YAY FIRST TIME MAKING SMORES EVER. We toasted them over the stove, HAHAHAHA. My first one kept catching on fire, and then it actually caught on FIRE FIRE so I put it under the sink, that was SAD.

Blockrzsajrtfeisfs! Mers and I won. Angela LOST LOST POST LOST.
Mancala, I beat Mers and Angela! 8D Even though I'm really bad at the game, usually LOL. Mario Party, I've finally played that game! It was funnn, even though I was stuck as Peach. C: I actually won once! But I was terrible at the game where we played only mini games. ;A; Mers rocked that. SHMORES AND ALL FRUIT NUGGETS! They were more like, pebbles. FRUITY pebbles!

It was funsauce, even though my house is lamesauce.
Back to bsns, and finishing these crappy bloggers.

Singing when you're home alone is the way to go.

Imagination: 129

Friday, August 13, 2010

And you know your love is perfect,
Here in my imagination,
I let it run.


School is right up on my ass.
I slept through my 7:30AM alarm today, too.

Eff. I have the most massive headache, like you would not believe.

Argh, Herbal Essences. The red shampoo bottle makes my hair become a greaseball in one day. I guess I shouldn't use it on my roots.

TELEVISION, I think I might've broken the tv upstairs somehow, fack.

Got lost on the way to Doug's house, I GOT A WEBCAM YAY HE'S THE COOLEST CAT EVER.

Poooooop lalala I caught up on like, half of my missing bloggers today. Too lazy to go through the rest, hopefully I'll get on that tomorrow.

Maybe TDC exhausting the fuck out of me was a good thing, at least I'm going to bed before 4AM now.

Sabrina came over at around 4PM, it was like we had seen each other last week, despite not having seen each other since June. Awesome sauce. What a housewife. We talked about Europe, TDC, cute people, ugly people, public urination, pizza hut, Tiger Dancers, and everything. I missed this girrrrrrl. Talked and talked and talked and spreaded and talked while she sewed her pillow. It was attractive.

Love me some Rookie Blue, right before bed. Grey's Anatomy goes NYPD.

Webcammed with Angela and Mers, they're coming over tomorrow, COOLSAUCE.

Get Like Me: 128

I got a chip in my engine, 26 inch rims
I got fadeaway money, bitch I'm ballin out the gym

Thursday, I had a fever and slept through my alarm clock. Mother decided it'd be best to let me snooze. Woke up at around 3:30PM?

Pooop. Sent Belinda an email, I wish my mother just woke me up instead of leaving me on the bed. ;A; Even though the rest was well needed. Ate the rest of the chip bag, now I feel like a fatass.

Couldn't make it to Doug's either. He offered to give me his webcam! What a sweetiepie.

Organizing, dfhjierotiugr. I guess I'll keep my schedule as it is. Sucks butt, I could possibly only have one class with Sabrina, one class with Annie, and one class with Alec/Josh.

But their schedules say PreIB PreCal, and mine says TAG PreAP. So maybe that'll be changed. Who knows.

It's not like I'm going to go change it tomorrow, I feel terrible.

Good night.


Salt Water Room: 125

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light
Walking down by the bay, on the shore, staring up at the stars that aren’t there anymore

Labbbbb, then CX Drills with Becca and Devin. Hahaha, the video kept screwing up, poor Devin.

Social Contract Theory with Claire, Ryan, and Daniel. I actually learned about the Social Contract a while back, but I was so sleepy and tired from everything, I kept snoozing. Dumb Daniel called on me on purpose since I was half asleep, poophead.

Judge Adaptation with Jen and Daniel, I was more awake by then. Lost my phone, ran around everywhere to find it, and apparently someone put it in the bathroom, LOL. Crapface.

Lunch! I left my USB at the Castilian with my AC on it, so I was kindof fucked. Dropped my shizz off at Dobie Mall, then walked with Mark back to the Castilian, cool kid. Back to Dobie Mall, ate with Mr. Colling and SP Company. Miru and Tyler had to do readings with their lab, so that was poooop.

In the end, Mark still had my USB, whattajerk, haha. Had our round with theory, honestly I did better running theory against Tanmay, it was pretty sad. But it was a nice round to end TDC with. (:

Lab, dinner, then more lab. Move out meeting took an extra 30 minutes than it was supposed to.
Gameroom, watched pool and watched/played Ping Pong. "I'm at the Pizza Hut, what. I'm at the Taco Bell, what. I'm at the combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell", weoi5t74wthOIUT4893TGHLSK THAT SONG is forever ingrained in my brain.

Black Tyler's room, he had a practice round with Cameron. Amyn and Brian were working on their demo round for tomorrow in their room. Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa slept in Miru's room.