Rise: 121

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Life is discovering
The love that we create
Life is a mystery
We need to embrace.

Couldn't have my practice round with Michael, the Concierge on the 11rg floor was unable to print .odt's, which means I didn't have a copy of my case.

That sucked.

Cassondra didn't have her case either, so while Michael hit Hassan, we flowed. Then we did nothing, for the longest time, while Mr. Bennett took a nap.

Lab, then lunch. Went to Which Wich with Taylor, Scott, Mark, Korean, and some other people. I only got a shake. I was the only one without a sammich. )':

Walked back with Mark because we lost everyone LOL but we found everyone later at the UTC.

Kris' lecture on Freire. Yuhhhh. Dinnah, dinnah. I was so exhausted from going home the night before, during Daniel's Specific SEE Workshop, I was having a hard time staying awake. It sucked. My notes were increds messy, and I missed a lot of the important ones. I was going to make a Civics case, but later I decided Florida A+ was better.

I really enjoy the Debate as a Kind of Writing workshops. Fun fun fun.

Taylor and I put masks on our facesssss, hahaha, and got Mirusha to do it, too. It was a fun, fun thing.

The mask also made my face softer than a baby's ass.

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