Salt Water Room: 125

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light
Walking down by the bay, on the shore, staring up at the stars that aren’t there anymore

Labbbbb, then CX Drills with Becca and Devin. Hahaha, the video kept screwing up, poor Devin.

Social Contract Theory with Claire, Ryan, and Daniel. I actually learned about the Social Contract a while back, but I was so sleepy and tired from everything, I kept snoozing. Dumb Daniel called on me on purpose since I was half asleep, poophead.

Judge Adaptation with Jen and Daniel, I was more awake by then. Lost my phone, ran around everywhere to find it, and apparently someone put it in the bathroom, LOL. Crapface.

Lunch! I left my USB at the Castilian with my AC on it, so I was kindof fucked. Dropped my shizz off at Dobie Mall, then walked with Mark back to the Castilian, cool kid. Back to Dobie Mall, ate with Mr. Colling and SP Company. Miru and Tyler had to do readings with their lab, so that was poooop.

In the end, Mark still had my USB, whattajerk, haha. Had our round with theory, honestly I did better running theory against Tanmay, it was pretty sad. But it was a nice round to end TDC with. (:

Lab, dinner, then more lab. Move out meeting took an extra 30 minutes than it was supposed to.
Gameroom, watched pool and watched/played Ping Pong. "I'm at the Pizza Hut, what. I'm at the Taco Bell, what. I'm at the combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell", weoi5t74wthOIUT4893TGHLSK THAT SONG is forever ingrained in my brain.

Black Tyler's room, he had a practice round with Cameron. Amyn and Brian were working on their demo round for tomorrow in their room. Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa slept in Miru's room.

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