Geometry & C.: 141

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

This is geometry, this is the life of you and I
How we fall for a second together and down we're singing

Mom found a hugeass pepper. This is extremely relevant. Second day of school. B day was better than A day.

Gave Mr. Colling his laptop back. He wasn't there. God damn. So I gave it to the teacher next door.

Principles of Health Science, aughhhhh there are freshmen here. Blows my freaking mind that they aren't in Introduction to HST and Medical Terminology. If they get to just skip, I would've been so damn pissed. But thank god, I just have to deal with them this year, next year they'll be taking Medical Terminology, which will hopefully be a year long class instead. Yeah, I won me some gum during the bingo. It was so easy, just plan out the bingo...

Spanish waaaaaaaaay out in the portables, it's the only class I have with Alec and Josh! It was hecka fun, I don't get what everyone said about Mrs. Vargas last year. She's totally legit. They were probably just bitter because they were too dumb to do well in her class. She spoke only Spanish all day. Oh boy. The class is small, but I don't care. We played ¡Fresca! all class, I was really bad. Me and Alec lost, despite teaming up. Austin still beat us, and La boca grande was just being a cheater. This class will be awesome possum.

Lunch A again, with Katherine, Bibi, Annie, Heidi and the NUHGOOYEN. C:

Philosophy, another class with dumb snot nosed freshmen. Annoying as heck, asking what IB is? Seriously? God. The class seems extremely intriguing, though. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who knew what 'criterion' meant in that classroom of 3x people. Looking forward to the discussion aspect, not the group stuffies, though.

WHAP. Mr. Thomas, the one teacher everyone loves. Class was full of different people from different cliques, blah. If I sit with someone, I would be unable to sit with another person, and it's just like blah. Fun stuff, the squares. I was so tired from Philosophy, though. I almost dozed off. Blarhg.

Had to go meet with Ms. Lotspeich and get forms, I'm coming in tomorrow after school to play for her. Hahahaha. Couldn't go to debate practice because of this, but on the bright side, practice is only on Tuesdays, sweetness.

Bought binders, then went home. Skyped with Alec, that bum. Skyped with Romi, askfajasfhlas Cedar Ridge.

Tired tired tired tired tired. Bed before 11, please.

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