A turtle fence is exactly what you think it is.
A turtle fence keeps turtles from being hit by cars.
Those turtles that were climbing turtles couldn't climb over the turtle fence!
(Why?) It was turtle-proof! (How?) It was three feet high!
A turtle fence keeps turtles from being hit by cars.
Those turtles that were climbing turtles couldn't climb over the turtle fence!
(Why?) It was turtle-proof! (How?) It was three feet high!
So like Monday right before school starts, oh snaps. All 10 analysis DONE. SHABAM. Heehee. c:
I look shitty, y/y?
I totally did it all today. LOLOLOL.
Getting people to vote for Angela's pictar, #45. LEGIT.
Orthodontist at 3PM, just redoing bands. Took no time at all. STONY POINT COLORS, REPPIN'.
Diana's to get nengmyun. Yummy.
Hospital to volunteeeeeeeeeeer wiff Tina. Got it togetherrrr, hee.
Folder, ice cream, and Adventure Time.
This is my life. I would have shitty skin the night before school. Fuckkkk.
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