Once Upon a Dream: 37

Thursday, May 13, 2010

But if I know you, I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once
the way you did once upon a dream.


I started off the day as a bad friend. I was supposed to go to the main campus and meet Mr. Harper with Alec, Josh and Will, but my bus came late, so I got there at like,  8:45AM.

I was supposed to be there at 8:15AM-8:30AM. LOL D:

So I met with Mr. Harper, ALONE it was nervewrecking, then I went to track.

We played kickball! It was funfun. It was basically Freshmen Vs. Upperclassmen. We had some XC soccer ballers though, so we were doing alright. In the end, it was 8:9, we being 8. I ran 3 of the homeruns out of that 8. (:

Math was math, I'm relatively sure I bombed t he quiz, AHAHAHAHA I should probably do the homework.

Spanish, everything went swimmingly. The Phannypack drew me an amazing picture in my yearbook. It's on par with Wesley's.

Art, Sour Patch Kids, OMNOMNOM. The powder is DELICIOUS. 

After school, went home, fell asleep. Woke up, dressed up and went to Awards Ceremony. It was long and tedious. Half the people invited didn't even come. After I got my award, I promptly left to the Debate Banquet.

Took lotsa pictures there, the awards were just bogus. "Josh Martinez Award... Best Prank, and Kindness" I barely ate because I was taking so many pictures. Walala.

Went home, knocked out. 

Decided I'm running for Health Science Academy PR.

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