Nothing On You: 55

Monday, May 31, 2010

Beautiful girls all over the world
I could be chasing but my time would be wasted
They got nothing on you baby

Memorial Day, walala. Was going to go shopping with momma, but too lazy to. Did laundry instead.

Or rather, watched momma do laundry. (: Watched loads of Studio Ghibli, then entertained myself like a bum on FML, MLIA, and GMH. Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaame sauce.

Ate summer noodles at my cousin's place, forced her to play cards with me.

I won like 98% of the time, haha. "She's trying to seduce me!" Jagshamesh, I am yo' dayuhd.

Spent the rest of my night being an excited girl, making plans for tomorrow with Sabrina at the movies and outlets and Yoyo's. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.

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