Pursuit Of Happiness: 89

Sunday, July 04, 2010

I'm on the pursuit of happiness
and I know everything that shine ain't always gonna be gold
I'll be fine once I get it, I'll be good.

Happy Independence Day! Happy fourth of July!

Not that I celebrated at all, haha. Woke up ridiculously early for a summer day, and a Sunday at that.
7:40AM, omga.

Ate breakfast early, by having an Ensure. It was actually not that bad.
Finished up the final touches of packing for freaking NEW YORK!

Then I waited while pacing. Paced. Waited. Paced while waiting.
Diana's fam came a little early, and brought 'bread', aka donuts. I got a lot of sprinkles.

Money from all different branches of the tree.

Airport, weather was simply fabulous. Everything was the total opposite of when Momma and I went to go to pick up Auntie and Grammy. "Oh snap!" Haha. c: Oh, Diana. ): I hope her angst isn't contagious.

The Airport was so majikal, which is why I'm capitalizing the 'A' in Airport. It's just that majikal.
I haven't gone through a terminal and an Airport to board a plane ever since I was seven years old. It's been eight years. Holy COW. Yeah, going through the security was like completing levels in Final Fantasy, or something.

I ran through the metal detectors because I was so nervous, haha. The man told me to go back, and apparently everyone thought I was just adorable. "How old are you?" "Fifteen. c:"

Haha. We were there approximately an hour and thirty minutes early, so Diana and I explored. It wasn't very big, so there wasn't much to explore. One end had a gift shop. The other end had a 'cool, hip, and jazzy' wannabe kind of demeanor- it was like trying to bring downtown Austin to the Airport, only it didn't work. Yeah. Lunch, Diana got a crappy ham and swiss sammich. I had an omnomlicious hotdog with cheese, onions, and jalapeƱos. It was so good, but we dumped the chips.

Boarding, I had the window seat. Diana will have the window seat on the way back. I took so so so SO many pictures. I am such a 'plane noob'. Haha. It was so much fun. It was all so fascinating. Omga. I can't wait to go on another plane. c: It was so amazing, I didn't even sleep. I worked on Auntie's puzzle, KenKen. Her book had 100 puzzles, in order of difficulty. I went ahead and skipped to no. 100. It kept be busy for a good hour and a half. I got it though! Haha. c:

Watched Life on Animal Planet, so legit.

NEW YORK! I love it here, even the Airport here is super hip and jazzy. The Airport and people reminded me of a mall. It basically WAS a mall. A mall with extra security, and airplanes.

Luggage- took forever, much longer than usual. I couldn't figure out how to use the rotating doors, LOLFAIL. It was my first time! I'm really glad this blog entry is so long, LOL it's been awhile since I've done anything exciting.

Haha. c:

Taxi was some Korean man. I finally gave in and took a nap on the hour drive to Mimi's apartment deep in Brooklyn. It was a homey little place; 1C.
I love it.

Settled in, had dinner. Took a walk in the neighborhood park which was PACKED with people. It also had a ZOO and BOTANICAL GARDEN. I know I'm abusing the CAPS LOCK KEY BUT I JUST HAVE TO EMPHASIZE HOW AMAZING THE WHOLE PLACE WAS. She literally lives, about 5 minutes by foot to the place. 3 minutes to the Brooklyn library, which is FREAKING HUGE.

She lives close by to everything, I love it. I brought her Edgar to keep forever, I noticed how much she loved my huge penguin when she came waaaay back in the day, as a high schooler.

Back to her place, got comfy and ready for bed; not that anyone is going to bed this early. Mimi went to go meet her buds at a bar, letting me use her amazing, flawless, perfect omgagjsdhfakjsfhks MacBook. I want one more than ever, now.

Diana is watching Pan's Labyrinth or something, with Auntie. It's supposed to be scary, so I'm camped in Mimi's room NOT watching it, but loving Diana's portable little speakers. They're totally worth twenty bucks; I want some now!

SoHo, Times Square, possibly Empire State Building, and China Town tomorrow! I can't wait. I already have about 69 pictures on my camera, hurrhurr. By the end of this trip, I'll probably how 10,000. I hope my camera will hold up.

Edit: Actually, I looked it up. Being, 10MP, my 2GB memory card should hold about 650 pictures. Including my 4GB USB that I brought along, that brings enough space for about 1950. About 2,000 pictures.

I'll be alright. I ended up watching Pan's Labyrinth anyways, BABYEATER OMGA.

2 replies:

Unknown said...

"'bread', aka donuts" "majikal" "Yeah, going through the security was like completing levels in Final Fantasy" "everyone thought I was just adorable" (true) "Taxi was some Korean man" "Being, 10MP, my 2GB memory card should hold about 650 pictures. Including my 4GB USB that I brought along, that brings enough space for about 1950. About 2,000 pictures." (you would.) Look I quoted the highlights for everyone else who loves stalking you

Laura said...

I love you a lot.

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